Visual Analytics


Aipricot is a unique, design-led, analytics platform that learns how your product evolves and gives AI-powered insights into how users are achieving their goals.

Aipricot’s Open Data model enables pluggable analytics algorithms, recommendation engines and client-specific custom ML models for deeper understanding of your users. This also powers highly customisable triggers that can be used to enhance customer interactions, such as transactional messaging and in-app prompting.

What is Airpricot?

Aipricot brings advanced data science to your app or website by utilising your existing UI designs and showing how users are using the features in a visual manner - you can see immediately if users are behaving how you expect them to.

By analysing how your app or website evolves over time, Aipricot can learn exactly how your product behaves and where to direct effort to maximise value. Aipricot can immediately highlight areas of new functionality that are not being used as expected, or areas of high usage that are not being actively developed.

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